Amroid Capsules 20’s


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Product Description


Contributes in Safe & Effective Gastro Care
Provides comprehensive management in 1st & 2nd degree Haemorrhoids A supportive therapy in 3rd & 4th degree Hemorrhoids An adjunct therapy for pre & post operative Hemorrhoids management Regulates bowel movement Helps prevent recurrence in post operative Hemorrhoids cases


Each cellulose capsule of approx. 560 mg contains: A. Dried aqueous extracts derived from : An equi. Mix of Emblica officinalis + Terminalia chebula + Terminalia bellirica 400 mg, Amorphophallus campanulatus 400 mg, Mesua ferrea 300 mg, Cynodon dactylon 300 mg, Terminalia chebula 300 mg, Callicarpa macrophylla 200 mg, Emblica officinalis 200 mg, Foeniculum vulgare 100 mg, Picrorhiza kurroa 100 mg, Holoptelea integrifolia 100 mg, Curcuma longa 100 mg, Symplocos racemosa 50 mg, Zingiber officinale 50 mg, Blumea lacera 50 mg, Pongamia pinnata 50 mg, Aloe vera 50 mg, B. Powders : Bombax malabaricum 20 mg, Shorea robusta 20 mg, Piper longum 20 mg, Commiphora myrrha 20 mg, Cocos nucifera 20 mg, Berberis aristata 20 mg, Sterculia urens 20 mg, Daemonorops draco 15 mg, Excipients Q.S. Preservative – Sodium Benzoate