Bronchicum Elixir 100ml

Bronchicum Elixir 100ml


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Product Description

Bronchicum Elixir 100ml is used for Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, Nerve pain, Swollen nose and throat, Pertussis, Gout, Heart failure, Cardiac failure, Microbial infections and other conditions.

Indications: Treatment of symptoms of acute bronchitis and in colds of the respiratory tract with mucous secretion.


  • Bronchicum Elixir  Natural Cough Syrup with Thyme and Primula Root Extract
  • Made from natural ingredients.
  • Suitable for infants starting from the age of 6 months old.
  • Its unique combination works by relieving cough spasms, protecting against microbes, and naturally clearing the airways.