Qsita m 50/1000mg (sitagliptin +metformin) tablets 10`s


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Product Description

Qsita tablet treats type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is used together with a healthy diet and regular exercise to control blood sugar levels, and this helps to prevent serious complications of diabetes like kidney damage and blindness.

The drug is normally prescribed when diet and exercise alone or other medicines are insufficient to control your blood sugar level. Your doctor may prescribe it independently or along with other diabetes medicines, and it may be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal. The dose will depend on your condition and blood sugar levels. Therefore, you should use it as advised by your doctor.

You should take it regularly at the same time each day to get the most benefit, and you should not stop unless your doctor recommends it. This medicine helps you to control your blood sugar levels and prevent severe complications in the future. It is crucial to stay on the diet and exercise program recommended by your doctor while taking this medicine. Your lifestyle plays a big part in controlling diabetes.

The most common side effect of taking this medicine is a headache, which is usually minor and improves with time. Low blood sugar level (hypoglycemia) is a possible side effect if you take other diabetes medicines like insulin or sulfonylurea, so you need to know how to recognize and deal with it. It may also cause upper respiratory tract infections like sore throat, cough, and cold. Contact your doctor if the side effects worry you or if they do not go away.

Before taking this medicine, let your doctor know if you have ever had kidney disease, heart or pancreas problems, or if you drink a lot of alcohol. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also consult their doctor before taking it. Some other medicines you are taking may interfere with this medicine’s working. So, ensure your doctor knows about all the other medications you use. Limit your alcohol intake while taking this medicine because it can increase your risk of developing low blood sugar levels. You may need regular tests such as kidney function and blood glucose levels to check that the medicine is working properly.