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Relief band sport offers Fast and Effective Relief (instant and without Drugs) For The Prevention And Treatment Of Nausea And Vomiting Associated With:
1. Anxiety
2. Car/Motion sickness
3. Pregnancy
4. Migraines
5. Chemotherapy
6. Seasickness
7. Airsickness
8. Hangovers
9. Post-operative
Relief band Sport is indicated for the prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting due to anxiety, physician-diagnosed migraines, motion sickness, hangovers, chemotherapy and morning sickness associated with pregnancy. Reliefband Sportis also indicated as an adjunct to antiemetics in reducing postoperative nausea.
Reliefband Sport is drug-free, non-drowsy and uses clinically-proven wearable technology to quickly and effectively relieve nausea and vomiting. The Reliefband Sport is also waterproof (IPX 7 rating).
Includes charging cable and one 7.5 mL tube (0.25 oz) of hypoallergenic conductivity gel.
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